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MVS excels at trademarks

McKee, Voorhees, & Sease, PLC was recently listed inthe top 33% percent of intellectual property law firmsfor trademark registration. According to the May,2003, issue of Intellectual Property Today, MVS rankedat 101 out of 358 intellectual property law firmsnationwide. The firm avows to stay on the cutting edgeof trademark issues as the U.S. joins the MadridProtocol […]

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Bytes from AIPLA 5/28/2003

The most recent news release from the AmericanIntellectual Property Law Association (May 21, 2003)includes information on new opportunities, revisionsto current laws and proposals for legislative changes.On May 22 the House Subcommittee on Courts outlined amarkup for patent and trademark filing fees under theUnited State Patent and Trademark Fee ModernizationAct of 2003.President Bush, on May 6, […]

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MVS client unites forces to fight malaria

A recent article appearing in the Wall Street Journal highlighted the progressive, life-saving attempts being put forth by Medicines for Malaria Venture, a patent client with McKee, Voorhees, & Sease, PLC. MVS has assisted MMV in patenting ‘SPIRO and DISPIRO 1,2,4-Trioxolane Antimalarials’ U.S. Patent No. 6,486,199.MMV is a Geneva, Switzerland-based research group trying to pick […]

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PCBA Law Day celebration rewards young artists

Youth-crafted intellectual property has become acentral focus for the Polk County Bar Association. Forthe second consecutive year, PCBA sponsored a visualarts and poetry competition among school-aged youth tocoincide with its annual meeting and the nationalrecognition of Law Day, May 1.Established by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in1958, Law Day was created as a way of celebratingAmerica

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WIPO takes a holiday

In anticipation of possible disruptions coinciding with the G8 Summit to be held in Evian, France, from June 1 to 3, 2003, inclusive, the offices of WIPO will be closed from Friday, May 30, to Tuesday, June 3, 2003, inclusive. Thursday, May 29, 2003 is already an official holiday at WIPO.For further details about WIPO’s […]

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Check before writing a check

The European Patent Office and several other patent offices have released a warning concerning letters issued by the German firm, ZDR-DatenRegister GmnH, which asks patent and trademark owners to pay additional fees.The letters imply an association with the European Patent Office, and state that 1235.40 EUR should be sent to obtain registration with the

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USPTO proposes fee increase

On April 30, 2003, the Patent and Trademark Office proposed a 2.17% increase in fees based on the Administration

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Des Moines patent firm sends ‘Treasures for Troops’

The war in Iraq has affected every American and our allies around the world. Of course, no one was more affected than the soldiers who voluntarily headed overseas into dangerous territory leaving behind all the comforts of home. Warm thoughts, prayers and sometimes even phone calls or video broadcasts helped bridge the gap, but could […]

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MVS administrator to be president of IALA

John McCune, office administrator of McKee, Voorhees & Sease, an intellectual property law firm in downtown Des Moines, has been elected to serve as president of the Iowa Association of Legal Administrators. He will oversee monthly informational and social gatherings as well as the groups quarterly chapter meetings which seek to provide legal administrators with […]

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MVS Associate passes bar exam

With the passing of the February 2003 Iowa Bar Examination, Tonya Y. Brady transitions from technical consultant to attorney with the intellectual property law firm of McKee, Voorhees & Sease, PLC in downtown Des Moines. Brady originally hails from Youngstown, OH. She obtained her baccalaureate degree in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University and […]

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