Heidi S. Nebel to Speak at AUTM Fall 2018 Leadership ForumSeptember 6, 2018 Heidi S. Nebel, Intellectual Property (IP) Attorney, Managing Member, and Chair of the Biotechnology & Chemical Practice Group at McKee, Voorhees & Sease, PLC, will be speaking on a panel at the Association of Technology Managers (AUTM) Leadership Forum on Friday, September 28, 2018 in San Diego, California. The panel will focus on “The Current State Of Intellectual Property: A Broad Spectrum Conversation”, specifically the changing aspects of intellectual property and how it will impact all types of companies, not just technology transfer organizations. Heidi will engage in conversation with her fellow panel members, Sandra Coufal of Sibling Capital, LLC, Laura Johnson of DexCom, Inc., and Paul Michel, the Former Chief Justice of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. The AUTM Leadership Forum is a high level technology transfer meeting that strictly revolves around conversations and panels to engage speakers with audience members. Heidi has been an IP attorney for over 25 years, obtaining patents and designing IP strategy in the areas of agricultural biotechnology, plants, and animals. Heidi also enjoys being an advocate of biotechnology, speaking around the country on important issues in the field. Her practice includes representation of more than 30 different universities and research foundations across the country, as well as many Agribusiness companies. Learn more and register to attend at the Association of Technology Managers (AUTM) Leadership Forum webpage. ← Return to News & Events