Growing Bio seminar includes legal angleAugust 29, 2005 Returning for its second year, Iowa Biotechnology Association’s annual seminar will include a continuing legal education (CLE) session. Scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 21 Growing Bio in Iowa will take place in Ames on the Iowa State Campus in the Scheman Building. ‘The Legal Landscape’ kicks off just after lunch and a keynote presentation by the Biotechnology Industry Organization President Jim Greenwood beginning at 1:15 p.m. and closing with an open forum question-and-answer session.Those attending are eligible to receive a total of 4 hours of CLE credit.Heidi S. Nebel, managing partner of McKee, Voorhees & Sease, will serve as the moderator for the afternoon. Presenters and topics include:Pat Sweeney of Sweeney Law Offices, ‘Why You Should Have Freedom to Operate’Tom Slaughter of Faegre & Benson,’Experimental Use: Clarification of the ConceptDaniel Happe of University of Iowa, ‘What Has the CREATE Act Created?’Helen Adams of Dickinson Law firm, ‘Hiring Right: How to Protect Confidential Information from the Start’Janet Huston of Dickinson Law Firm, ‘Exit Strategies: Keep Your IP Safe’.For more information or to register, log on to or call 515.327.9156 ← Return to News & Events