Bytes from AIPLA 12/22/2003December 31, 2003 The following are edited clips from the American Intellectual Property Law Associations Reports published Dec. 22, 2003.Proposed Trademark Rules Are Announced on Corrections and CancellationsThe Patent and Trademark Office on December 18, 2003, proposed several amendments to its trademark rules of practice. The proposals would: (1) eliminate the requirement that a request for amendment or correction of a registration be accompanied by the original certificate of registration or a certified copy thereof; (2) eliminate the requirement that an application to surrender a registration for cancellation be accompanied by the original certificate or a certified copy; and (3) add a requirement that a request for correction of a mistake in a registration be filed within one year of the date of registration. 68 Fed. Reg. 70482. Public comment is due by February 2, 2004. To read the proposed rules, click here:… Rules on Representation at PTO Include CLE Requirement The Patent and Trademark Office on December 12, 2003, proposed to update its procedures on enrollment and discipline, adopting rules which are largely based on the Model Rules of Professional Conduct of the American Bar Association. 68 Fed. Reg. 69442. Among other things, the proposal would create a new Part 11 on professional conduct. The 120-page notice of the proposal states the following: ← Return to News & Events